Saturday, August 1, 2009

The great story

G. K. Chesterton in his great book Orthodoxy recounts how he returned to the faith he departed years before. And in his rediscovery he concluded: "I had alwyas felt life first as a story: and if there is a story there is a story-teller." It's a simple, yet grand thought. Do you imagine your life as part of a story being told by a story-teller? Do you see your days as the enacting of a role within a grand epic? Is it possible that the story of the creator hinges upon you? If you don't take your place on the stage the play grands to a halt? It's easy to reduce ourselves in the grand scheme of things and what that can mean is that we feel that we have less to contribute.
We certainly find it to be true in parenting. As a father or mother, whether we like it or not, our role contributes to the story of someone else's life. Our contribution, or lack thereof, means a great deal. How well we do with our lines will effect how well our children do with their lines. That's easy to imagine.
But is it not true with every person with whom we have contact? A friend, a store clerk, a customer, a neighbor. We are all taking clues from one another as to how the story goes.
So what lines do you have to contribute today?

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